How do you start a business while coming out of a pandemic? That’s a question many
entrepreneurs have asked themselves recently, but the numbers show that self-starters are on the rise since COVID-19 hit the U.S., with women leading the charge. The key is to start with a great idea and look for need within the market. With costs rising everywhere and more people looking for affordable solutions to their problems, business owners with creative products or services are most likely to succeed. So how do you get started? With a great business plan, a unique marketing strategy, and the drive to stay motivated even when things are challenging. Start by seeking the services of a leadership expert who can mentor you along the way. Reach out to Jazmin Guerrero to find out more.
Here are a few tips to help you get started:
Network, network, network
There are multiple benefits to networking, including finding out more about the market, making connections with like-minded entrepreneurs who can give you advice, and finding potential vendors, clients, and suppliers who can help you once you get up and running. Look for local conventions and other events connected to your field, and don’t be afraid to reach out to old friends or colleagues online. Social media can be a great help in finding the right people, but you can also utilize a classmate finder tool that will allow you to narrow down the search field to Los Angeles and make the process a cinch.
Look for the right funding
Small business owners have more options today than ever before when it comes to funding, but there may only be a couple that will work for you, so it’s essential to do your homework.
Crowdfunding is an option, but it can take some time to achieve your goal and will require a lot of work on your part to spread the word and build up rewards for your investors. Small business loans and grants are two of the most popular options, so look online at the ones available on both a state and federal level and find out more about the requirements for qualification.
Appeal to your customers
Once you have a business plan written out with details on funding and daily operations, it’s
important to think about how you’ll get the word out about what your business does. Marketing is a broad area that includes the process by which you get your products or services to your customers as well as advertising methods; how will you set yourself apart from your competitors? How will you show customers what your business is all about rather than telling them? This is an important factor since many individuals will typically only stay on a website for a few seconds before moving on. Engaging them and giving a lot of information in a condensed format–such as a logo or slogan–is crucial, so consider these elements carefully.
Come up with the best business practices
The way you market your business is important, but you also need to have the goods to back up your words. Your business practices–such as using sustainable packaging and ethically-sourced materials, or taking steps to empower and support other women business owners–are an important part of your brand identity, so make them count by planning thoughtfully. It’s also a good idea to think about how you can make your business a healthy environment for your employees.
Starting a business at the end of a pandemic can be daunting, but if you’ve been looking for a change or have recently experienced a setback, it can also be liberating. Take a look at what other women entrepreneurs are doing to gain inspiration, and plan carefully to maximize your impact.
Credits to Gloria Martinez started to celebrate the advancements women have made and inspire them to become entrepreneurs and seek promotions in the workplace. Through this medium, she also shares her business expertise and vision to spotlight women’s achievements in the workplace.